Hand RecordsPossible SubstitutesRecord a Substitution Datums Datums MastersheetTeams Listing

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Mastersheet Showing Team Members Cross Table


 Team 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Net ImpsVPSPlacing
1 HARMS184945024534050 279 136.861st
3 BIRD822110-8101117 134 104.192nd
5 DEMARCO14266-1017-8-1122 56 93.883rd
2 SMOLANKO2744-110-2421-16-1 60 92.744th
9 NEULING66-21141-17-212823 73 91.295th
12 MOTTERAM-1824-13-1850-4-1342 50 85.736th
16 BRADSHAW-14-24-1263214-1321 46 85.027thC
4 CHAN64-20-63-218131 42 84.868th
8 DOECKE-524-1418408-40-17 14 83.149th
7 PORTER39-4413448-5313-22-2 82.7710th
11 LANGE5-26122021-1016-50-12 81.3711th
6 HARRIS26-4913-33-5-2820-23 77.6912th
15 GRAHAM-2717-13-2011-343718-11 77.5813thC
10 GRAY5420-45-1-40512-21-16 76.9614thB
14 TRUSCOTT-26-24-15-34834-121 3 76.1915thB
13 BROOKS-824728-44-3-831-23-54 74.9716thB
17 RANDELL-39-1715-1-501835-20-59 68.8217thB
18 SLADEK-6447-281-21-4-37-1-107 57.6818thC
20 WEBSTER-66-47-263-114-35-42-220 37.0419thC
19 CAVALLARO-54-4726-63-48-18-31-18-253 31.2020thB